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1: Update batch configuration Work in Progress!

Role Admin

  • The user following these guides should be an NYU DSS staff member with who collaborates with the batch contributor to understand the shape and goals of the batch data.
  • They will need to use valid YAML Syntax.


  1. Open the file config.yml. It should look something like this:

     label:          'Rijksmuseum Demo'
     description:    'Demo collection for aperitiiif service'
     attribution:    'Provided by Rijksmuseum via Wikimedia Commons'
     presentation_api_url: ''
     image_api_url:        ''
       file: 'src/records.csv'
         logo: ''
         source: ''
  2. Update the label, description, and attribution fields with the new batch’s information. Note: this is for the batch as a whole!
  3. Keep presentation_api_url and image_api_url as is.
  4. Keep records file as is.
  5. Update records defaults to for your batch’s needs. This is where you can specify metadata that is the same for every item without cluttering your spreadsheet. A good example might be a rights statement or link to a stable finding aid. (You can delete this section in the config if it doesn’t apply.)

    In the above example, the defaults are treated the same as adding a logo column to your spreadsheet where every item’s value is and a column called source where every item’s value is

    More information on what to name these columns/keys is in
    3: Create the batch metadata .